Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assignment #5

Chapter 9 "Risk"

I thought this topic was similar to chapter 7, "conflicts" and was something that I should consider of. I tend to choose the safest way instead of challenging taking risks. Although I tell myself I might feel more accomplished and satisfied after achieving tough things, it is hard for me to change my attitude. I also do understand what it's like to do nothing and to regret about it. Whenever I start or end an activity, study or realtionship I have to push myself for doing so. I sometimes make it sure whether my decision seems to be right, asking for advice to my sister or my close friends. As a group, I thought it is necessary to have agreement of the members. Even if the risk didn't turn to the bright side, I still would believe it was a good experience and it would be a hint for the future. I learned that how you deal with the risks is the key from the words, "Understand the risks you face and evaluate them carefully. Then the balance risk and return, and have the courage to step up to those calculated risks that are worth taking."


  1. Hi Naoko,

    I also tend to choose the safest way because if it is possible, I do not want to face the risky thing. However, I undertand well your touhgt of feeling more accomplished and satisfied after achieving tough things. When we take a risk to the challenges we face, we might step up our leadership skill.


  2. HI Naoko,

    Thanks for your post. I read a book once by Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mt. Everest. The title was "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained," which is essentially this same thought, that we need to push ourselves and reach a bit to get out of our comfort zone in order to have the greatest rewards.

