Monday, October 18, 2010

Assignment #6

Chap 10 "Tenacious Creativity"

I believe that good things and bad things occur equally. If things are going smoothly at the beginning I expect some bad things are going to happen later. This is why I am not afraid of obstacles and ready to face it. It reminded me of my grandmother often telling me, "If you're having a tough time now it is for the happiness in the future. If you are enjoying your life now, you will have to go through difficulties as well." I try to overcome the short-term difficulties thinking what kind of advantage I will have in a long-term. In addition,whenever I'm tied up with small and complicated problems I try to think in a large-scale. I agree to the phrases in the book, "the ability to solve problems becomes most critical in stressful situation." I recognized that the important things are flexibily, creativity and to keep looking for new moves. Although I hesitate to take risks and problems, I would like to be willing to confront with those because those are the ones that will actually make me mature.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assignment #5

Chapter 9 "Risk"

I thought this topic was similar to chapter 7, "conflicts" and was something that I should consider of. I tend to choose the safest way instead of challenging taking risks. Although I tell myself I might feel more accomplished and satisfied after achieving tough things, it is hard for me to change my attitude. I also do understand what it's like to do nothing and to regret about it. Whenever I start or end an activity, study or realtionship I have to push myself for doing so. I sometimes make it sure whether my decision seems to be right, asking for advice to my sister or my close friends. As a group, I thought it is necessary to have agreement of the members. Even if the risk didn't turn to the bright side, I still would believe it was a good experience and it would be a hint for the future. I learned that how you deal with the risks is the key from the words, "Understand the risks you face and evaluate them carefully. Then the balance risk and return, and have the courage to step up to those calculated risks that are worth taking."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Assignment #4

From Chap 7 "Conflict"
Even though I've never had a serious conflict before, I would like to mention about this topic. Recently I've realized I tend to stay back from conflicts even when times conflicts and tough discussions are necessary. I try to protect myself from being offended and I don't want to make others uncomfortable with my words or behavior. However, since I entered ICU I've been through a lot of discussions, seen quarrels between friends and couples. One thing that I noticed was that conflicts are not always bad because it might create a closer&better relationship. You might have a tough time dealing with the problem but it might be also worthwhile to have a deeper discussion. Once I was told by my friend I need to have my opinion and show my feeling more cleary. I'm working on this aspect right now so that I can have a meaningful relation in the future.
From the book I got clues for working as a leader. For example I was encouraged from the part, "The challenge is not how to eliminate conflicts, but rather how to manage them in productive ways that strengthen bonds among team members." In addition to it, another specific hint for me was Shackleton's work of encouraging others to tell him any disagreements so that he could keep abreast of mounting tensions or damaging alliances. I thought the most important thing is to make sure all people feel they are engaged in the process and treating everyone with respect.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Assignment #3

From Chapter 4 "Stamina "
I have different attitude toward different kinds of people. When I talk with my friends or family I try to be as natural as I can so that I feel relaxed. Most of the time I don't show others how I feel because I want to deal things by myself and explaining what's wrong is a tiring process. However, whenever I need advice I talk with my close friends or my sister. If it's something that can't be helped by myself I ask to my parents or a teacher. Especially, I go to my sister because she always tells me what I'm facing is not a big deal. Those words encourages me a lot that I notice I'm thinking too much seriously. I also try to spend time alone, listening to music, stretching, cleaning the room, reading, going for a walk or visiting an art musuem, which make me feel refreshed.

Assignment #2

When I face with adversity or potential setback I try to keep myself positive speaking with a smile with others. As Ken introduce us in the class about the chopsticks, just smiling makes me feel much better. Even if I lose my optimism sometimes I try not to last that feeling more than a day and tell myself, "Tomorrow is another day!". I tend to think in a serious and a realistic way so I try to make myself more relaxed and flexible. When I talk with people who have gone through a harder situation compared to me, I encourage and cheer myself what I'm facing isn't a problem at all. I also like to read and take notes about people's experiences on newpapers and books. They inspire me a lot that I recognize the moment I'm feeling down is a waste of time and that makes me move on to the next step. I believe experiencing struggles makes a more tough, understandable person. What I was impressed in the book was the three below. 1.Shackleton believe he would succeed, and his belief spread to others. 2. "master motivator who listens as well as he speaks" (Ward) 3. We want people with positive attitude, who enjoy helping others.(by the CEO of Southwest Airlines) From the three above I noticed that people follow the person who is attractive and has the right leadership.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Writing Assignment #1

Long-term Vision

In the future, I'm thinking of setting up a culture school, teaching English, Japanese Calligraphy, Ballet streches. It would be for anyone who wants to learn; small children going to kindergarden, students, career women or housewives. First, I would like to start in a small room in my house. Later on, as there are more students I will change the room to an office, an office to a company. I will hire part-time teachers from those who are high school students, university students and housewives. There will be a system that if you teach something in the field you're good at you will be able to take other classes for free. Although eventually I want to manage the system and the finances, I would always be by the side of the students teaching. I will also ask my mother as a public health nurse and my sister as a teacher of Spanish&Flamenco teacher to hold a class. Hopefully, I could involve my family when they have time and raise my own children surrounded by a lot of people.

Short-term goals

In order to reach the long-term vision, I'm sure I'm going to graduate university and work for a company for a while. At university I'm taking many classes conected to the future like business, education, communication, Japan studies. I haven't decided my major yet so to make a decision, to keep studying for that will be my nearest goal. In the company, I'd like to learn how company works, how people works, how hard it is to earn money and to be an adult dealing with hard things managing all by myself. In the process,I would like to be a person who is attractive in many ways, not only about the leadership and team building but also having communication skills, sociability, manners, etc. I hope I can achieve these small goals step by step as I take the class.